Future Thinking Materials

Cu­rat­ed by Alexis Har­ri­son, Ma­te­rials Con­sul­tant at Arup, Fu­ture Think­ing high­lights the think­ing that goes in­to the de­vel­op­ment and se­lec­tion of ma­te­rials for ar­chi­tec­ture and de­sign. It is a huge­ly pop­u­lar dis­play of emerg­ing ma­te­rials and tech­nol­o­gy in­flu­enc­ing the work of ar­chi­tects & de­sign­ers.

Light re­flect­ing con­crete, self heal­ing re­con­di­tion­ing sur­faces, evo­lu­tio­nary light struc­tures and many more emerg­ing ma­te­rials were on dis­play at Sur­face De­sign Show 2013.

Pati­ci­pants in­clude:

Blingcrete - Light re­flect­ing con­crete
Fu­ture Car­bon
Makrolon Am­bi­ent- Po­ly­car­bo­nate pan­els with aero­gel filling
Hol­lomet - Me­t­al Foam Light Sys­tem
Organoid Tech­nolo­gies - Bio­fi­bre prod­ucts
Bark­Tex Tu­ruri - Biodegrad­able ma­te­rials
Jólan van der Wiel - Grav­i­ty Stool

About the Exhibition

Sur­face De­sign Show Lon­don