New Materials

The In­sti­tute for Build­ing Ma­te­rials and Con­struc­tion at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­nich, un­der the di­rec­tion of Univ. Prof. Flo­rian Mus­so, is con­duct­ing a se­ries of lec­tures with the ti­tle "New Ma­te­rials".

Heike Kluss­mann will give an in­sight to ac­tu­al re­search pro­jects: BlingCrete - Light re­flect­ing Con­crete, DysCrete - so­lar con­crete or TouchCrete - touch-sen­si­tive con­crete.

Lo­ca­tion: Vorhoelz­er Fo­rum, Ar­cis­s­traße 21, München
Date: De­cem­ber 12, 2013, 1 pm

About the Lecture

Vorhoelz­er Fo­rum at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­nich
Vorhoelz­er Fo­rum der TUM
