Interactive Soundscapes

The de­sign­er Artemis Dia­na Tsan­teki­dou is lec­tur­ing at the re­search plat­form BUILD­ING ART IN­VEN­TION works with spun threads - of wool for in­s­tance - and now ap­plies her con­cept of tex­tile ac­ti­va­tion with con­duc­tive yarns and paint on our woo­d­en yarn. Af­ter an in­tro­duc­tion on the prin­ci­ples of con­duc­tiv­i­ty, con­duc­tive ma­te­rials and ar­dui­no fol­lows the prac­ti­cal part. In the end all par­ti­ci­pants cre­at­ed a woo­d­en fab­ric and func­tio­n­alised them in the way that by aproach­ing it with a hand we can hear piano sounds - which is a great ex­pe­ri­ence!

We used the touch­board work­shop kit of Bare­con­duc­tive and con­duc­tive yarns made by Shield­ex.

About the Conference

Work­shop with Artemis Dia­na Tsan­teki­dou
