Membranes, Surfaces, Boundaries – Creating Interstices

This ex­hi­bi­ti­on pres­ents works by ar­tist Hei­ke Kluss­mann, ar­chi­tect Thors­ten Kloos­ter, de­sig­ner and ar­tist Su­s­an­na Her­trich, and de­sig­ner Cle­mens Wink­ler. In pro­jects and ex­pe­ri­ments, they de­mon­s­t­ra­te the re­cipro­cal ac­ti­on bet­we­en the theo­reti­cal and ma­te­rial ma­ni­fe­sta­ti­ons of mem­bra­nes, sur­faces, and boun­da­ries, and their tran­si­tio­nal sta­ges bet­we­en eve­r­y­day ob­jects, tech­no­lo­gy and aes­thetic pro­duc­ti­on.

"...a small but ve­ry ex­ci­ting group show being held in Ber­lin's Ae­des gal­le­ry." (M. Rem­me­le, Ad­ded va­lue sur­faces, www.sty­le­, Oc­tober 24, 2010).

The con­tri­bu­ti­ons for the ex­hi­bi­ti­on cor­res­pond with the sci­en­ti­fic po­si­ti­ons of a work­shop un­der the sa­me tit­le held by the Max-Planck-In­sti­tu­te for the Hi­sto­ry of Sci­en­ce from Oc­tober 7-9, 2010, in Ber­lin-Dah­lem. The work­shop was or­ga­ni­zed by Ma­thias Gro­te, Lau­ra Otis and Max Stad­ler. For mo­re in­for­ma­ti­on plea­se al­so look at the Ae­des web­si­te.

Spea­kers at the ope­ning: Dr. h.c. Kris­tin Fei­reiss, Ae­des Ber­lin Prof. Hans-Jörg Rhein­ber­ger, Di­rec­tor, Max Planck In­sti­tu­te for the Hi­sto­ry of Sci­en­ce, Ber­lin Hei­ke Ca­the­ri­na Mer­tens, Di­rec­tor of Arts and Cul­tu­re, Ernst Sche­ring Foun­da­ti­on

Kind­ly sup­por­ted by: Ernst Sche­ring Foun­da­ti­on He­ring Hoch­bau­en Uni­ver­si­ty of Kas­sel

Lo­ca­ti­on: Ae­des Pfef­fer­berg, Chris­ti­nen­str. 18-19, 10119 Ber­lin Ex­hi­bi­ti­on da­tes: Oc­tober 8 – No­vem­ber 11, 2010 Ope­ning: Fri­day, Oc­tober 8, 2010, 6:30 pm Ope­ning hours: Tue-Fri 11 am to 6:30 pm, Sat/Sun 1pm - 5 pm

Plea­se al­so ta­ke a look at the Max Planck In­sti­tu­te pro­ject web­si­te

Plea­se down­load the MPIWG pre­print.

Über die Ausstellung

