CGS Conference

The in­te­riors of our pu­b­lic and pri­va­te spaces are im­portant to us; we sha­pe them to af­fect our mood, our mes­sa­ge and our iden­ti­ty. From thought pro­vo­king in­stal­la­ti­on th­rough the use of sta­te­ment ar­chi­tec­tu­ral fea­tu­res in a buil­ding, to the choo­sing of a fa­vou­ri­te wi­ne­glass for the din­ner ta­b­le, glass plays a rich and va­ried part in the way that we con­struct our in­si­de spaces – both pu­b­lic and pri­va­te. The Con­tem­pora­ry Glass So­cie­ty pres­ents a con­fe­ren­ce that ex­p­lo­res the use of glass in in­te­riors. It will look at an in­spi­ring ran­ge of practi­ce wi­t­hin con­tem­pora­ry glass in­clu­ding fi­ne art, de­sign, ar­chi­tec­tu­ral glass, in­no­va­ti­ve uses of new tech­no­lo­gies and at the ways that glass can be used to af­fect mood th­rough in­stal­la­ti­on and per­for­man­ce.

Set in the stun­ning art de­co De La Warr Pa­vi­li­on at Bex­hill on Sea and in ea­sy tra­vel­ling di­s­tan­ce from Lon­don, parti­ci­pants will be ab­le to ex­p­lo­re cut­ting ed­ge con­tem­pora­ry glass, to re­f­lect on their own crea­ti­ve practi­ce, and to ta­ke ti­me to en­joy a be­au­ti­ful sea­si­de arts ve­nue.

Über den Vortrag

De la Warr Pa­vi­li­on
Bex­hill UK
Bex­hill UK

