BAU KUNST ERFINDEN presents GRAFT – a new magazine on material

BAU KUNST ERFIN­D­EN is hap­py to pre­sent the first is­sue of GRAFT – a new mag­azine-in-mag­azine on ma­te­rials. With FRUIT we pre­sent the first is­sue of our new mag­azine-in-mag­azine on ma­te­rials in which we dis­cuss the im­pact of fruit and its com­po­nents giv­ing in­spi­ra­tion to di­verse fields such as ma­te­rials re­search, de­sign and art. The top­ic FRUIT re­fers to the ex­hi­bi­tion JUICE that is pre­sent­ing a fresh se­lec­tion of gal­leries, ed­i­tors and de­sign­ers dur­ing the Sa­lone del Mo­bile 2013. The cur­rent is­sue is pre­sent­ed in co­op­er­a­tion with Brown­book mag­azine.
