BKE at BMWi/BMBF Congress on Hight-tech materials in construction

Thorsten Kloost­er and Heike Kluss­mann will give a lec­ture about their re­search work at the High­tech-Ma­te­rialien am Bau Congress in Mu­nich. This congress pre­sent­ed by the Ger­man Fed­er­al Min­is­tery of Eco­nomics and Tech­nol­o­gy BMWi, the Fed­er­al Min­is­tery of Ed­u­ca­tion and Re­search, the Ger­man Cen­tre for In­no­va­tion RKW and the VDI Tech­nolo­giezen­trum at the BAU 2013 in Mu­nich ex­amines strate­gies in high-tech for the con­struc­tion in­dus­try. The event takes place on Jan­uary 15 at the ICM Mu­nich Fo­rum.