Happy Materials Lectures in Bratislava and Prague

By in­vi­ta­tion of Hap­py Ma­te­rials Prague, Bau Kunst Erfin­d­en pre­sents its work at the ARCHA in Bratisla­va and the AAAD in Prague on May 2–3, 2012. Hap­py Ma­te­rials was estab­lished in 2004 with a vi­sion to dis­cov­er new and pro­gres­sive ma­te­rials and in­tro­duce them to the Czech public through ex­hi­bi­tions, sem­i­nars, se­rials or in­ter­est­ing pro­jects with em­pha­sis on their use in ar­chi­tec­ture, de­sign and other cre­a­tive fields. Hap­py Ma­te­rials free­ly co­op­er­ates with ar­chi­tects, de­sign­ers, ty­po­g­ra­phers, graph­ic artists and ma­te­rial and com­mu­ni­ca­tion pro­fes­sio­n­als. The Cen­tre for con­tem­po­rary ar­chi­tec­ture and de­sign ARCHA in Bratisla­va is pro­mot­ing and sup­port­ing ar­chi­tec­ture and de­sign in Slo­vakia.

May 3, 2012


By in­vi­ta­tion of Hap­py Ma­te­rials Thorsten Kloost­er and Heike Kluss­mann give a talk about their re­search work at Prague´s AAAD.

Lo­ca­tion: AAAD (VŠUP) Prague

Time: 10.00 am

May 2, 2012


By in­vi­ta­tion of Hap­py Ma­te­rials Thorsten Kloost­er and Heike Kluss­mann give a talk about their re­search work at Bratisla­va`s ARCHA Cen­ter for Con­tem­po­rary Ar­chi­tec­ture and De­sign.

Lo­ca­tion: ARCHA Bratisla­va

Time: 3.00 pm

Take a look at the Hap­py Ma­te­rials web­site for more in­for­ma­tion.