Smart Sustainable Materials

Blingcrete is part of the Smart Sus­tain­able Ma­te­rials Area at the in­terzum 2013 trade fair in Cologne. The ex­hi­bi­tion will be the cen­tre of the “in­no­va­tion of in­te­ri­or” fo­rum area of the trade fair in Hall 4.2, where the lat­est in­no­va­tions in the fur­ni­ture in­dus­try and the in­te­ri­or de­sign sec­tor will be fea­tured. The “S­mart Sus­tain­able Ma­te­rial­s” ex­hi­bi­tion will have two fo­cal points. The first one will fea­ture func­tio­n­al ma­te­rials in which the ex­tra func­tio­n­al­i­ty is hid­den from view. The se­cond fo­cal point will be sus­tain­able ma­te­rials.

The com­plex­i­ty of the de­mands placed on the ma­te­rials and prod­ucts used in to­day’s fur­ni­ture and in­te­ri­or de­signs means that ma­te­rial so­lu­tions in­creas­ing­ly need to have ex­tra func­tio­n­al­i­ty in ad­di­tion to the qual­i­ties re­lat­ed to tra­di­tio­n­al me­chan­i­cal prop­er­ties — in short, they must de­mon­s­trate that they can “re­ac­t”.

The “S­mart Sus­tain­able Ma­te­rial­s” spe­cial area will in­tro­duce th­ese in­no­va­tive prod­ucts in a so­phis­ti­cat­ed pre­sen­ta­tion and a pro­gramme of se­lect­ed events.

Lo­ca­tion: koel­nmesse | Cologne

Date: May 13–16, 2013, 9.00–18.00

Please take a look at the the in­terzum web­site for more in­for­ma­tion about the ex­hi­bi­tion.