iF Gold Award Exhibition

The Mu­nich Cre­a­tive Busi­ness Week (MCBW) pro­vid­ed the back­drop for the pre­sen­ta­tion of the iF awards at BMW Welt in Mu­nich, held on Fe­bruary10, 2012. BlingCrete re­ceived one of the cov­et­ed iF gold awards for high­ly in­no­va­tive ma­te­rial de­vel­op­ment and out­s­tand­ing de­sign achieve­ments. The win­n­ing en­tries of the in­ter­na­tio­n­al­ly renowned de­sign com­pe­ti­tion are al­so on show at the iF gold award ex­hi­bi­tion at the BMW Mu­se­um (Fe­bruary 11-26, 2012) and will al­so be pre­sent­ed at the iF de­sign ex­hi­bi­tions, in­clud­ing shows at the CeBIT (March 6-10, 2012), at Ham­burg's Har­bourC­i­ty (se­cond half of 2012) and in Haik­ou (Hai­nan Is­land/Chi­na, from May 2012 on­wards).

About the Exhibition

BMW Mu­se­um Mu­nich
