Material treasures of the future
Treasures of the future
BAU KUNST ERFINDEN becomes part of the permanent exhibition in the Futurium with the DysCrete project
BAU KUNST ERFINDEN becomes part of the permanent exhibition in the Futurium with the DysCrete project
In part 4 of the audio guide, Steffi Silbermann talks about the "future of willow as a raw material" from the perspective of materials research.
TERA X | Woven Wood is part of the permanent exhibition ALL HANDS ON: Braiding of the Museum of European Cultures in Berlin
Bau Kunst Erfinden presents solid wood weaves at the International Festival of Textile Crafts, Textile Art and Design in Bozen.
With the main issue of digitalization in the field of building and construction the Research Initiative Future Building presents the Plotbot/ Crawler of the reseach platform BUILDING ART INVENTION at bautec 2018.
Die Betonsolarzelle DysCrete wird in der Wissenschaftsshow von Ranga Yogeshwar präsentiert
Architects, artists, scientists and experts in the field of communication get together to discuss to discuss the strategic value of colour in architecture an communiation
Bau Kunst Erfinden is participating in BAU Munich for the 4th time. You will find us at three locations.
Lecture about Construction Materials and Robotics
In cooperation with Haute Innovation BAU KUNST ERFINDEN shows it's R&D projects Sounding Surfaces and Salix Regionalis 3D on the trend show on material innovations for the technical supply industry in Jönköping.
BAU KUNST ERFINDEN shows R&D projects Sounding Surfaces and Salix Regionalis 3D at the innovation show with smart and sustainable materials and energy harvesting solutions.
The open-air museum Altranft commissioned Steffi Silbermann of BAU KUNST ERFINDEN to join forces with local craftsmen of the German region Oderbruch und the slogan "Craft meets design". Within a five year period several experimental projects will take place to develop new strategies for local identity through craft and local ressources.
In der Sendung Arte X:enius berichten Heike Klussmann und Thorsten Klooster über BlingCrete - Licht reflektierenden Beton, TouchCrete - Berührungssensitiven Beton und DysCrete – Energie erzeugenden Beton
Bau Kunst Erfinden is participating in BAU Munich for the third time. You will find us at three locations.
The new material development the International Tunneling & Underground Spaces Award. The prize is awarded on Dec 4, 2014 at The Grosvenor House in London.
In der neuen ARTE – Sendung FUTUREMAG berichtet Raphaël Hitier über intelligenten Beton. Im Lab von Bau Kunst Erfinden an der Universität Kassel gibt es Betonoberflächen zu entdecken, die berührungssensitiv reagieren, Strom produzieren oder Licht reflektieren.
On the occasion of the project "Local Resources - New Materials" Claudia Basrawi describes her view of smart surfaces in Oman.
Lecture about Smart Materials in Design and Architecture
The Institute for Building Materials and Construction at the Technical University of Munich is conducting a series of lectures with the title "New Materials".
Bau Kunst Erfinden is part of the international Future Cities Laboratory FCL conference Singapore
Bau Kunst Erfinden ist Teil der Veranstaltung "Innovative Werkstoffe für die Energiewende: Energy Materials in Design und Architektur" am 13.März 2013 in Berlin.
Smarter, greener, more dynamic - just a façade? No, as new materials, technologies and production processes are constantly expanding ...
BlingCrete receives one of the coveted iF gold awards for highly innovative material development and outstanding design achievements.
BlingCrete won this years Design Plus Award, the prize for innovative products and cutting edge materials.
Whiter than White is an exploration of the pursuit of ‘whiteness’ in the built environment, showcasing a highly-curated selection of architectural materials and finishes.
The Munich Creative Business Week (MCBW) provided the backdrop for the presentation of
Congress by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) at Bau 2013 Munich
What is experimentation? What makes art 'experimental'? What are the results of aesthetic experiments and why do we need them? Could artists invent new modes of experimentation with/for science? What are the differences between experiments and inventions; experiments and failures; experiment and innovation?
The University of Michigan´s Design Lab 1 is a gathering place, where the colleges of Engineering, Art & Design, Architecture and Urban Planning, Information, and Music all converge.
Interesting Publication about the VOTO research.
SALIX – Breeding Willows with Specific Material and Growth Characteristics for Textile Timber Construction and as a Source of Salicylates