POLA at the world’s leading trade show for industrial technology

The re­search plat­form BUILD­ING ART IN­VEN­TION/ Prof. Heike Kluss­mann pre­sents the PO­LA re­search pro­­ject at the Han­nover Messe Hall 2, Stand C28, April 01 - 05, 2018. The new sound pro­tec­tion sys­tem cen­ters on the de­vel­op­­ment of a new sys­tem for the at­ten­u­a­­tion of low-mi­­drange and bass fre­quen­­cies, fea­­tur­ing lightweight uni­­tized con­struc­­tion cus­­tomiz­able to any in­­­door or out­­­door lo­­ca­­tion.

The sys­tem com­bines two seem­ing­­ly dis­­sim­i­lar ma­te­rials: air, a sound-pro­p­a­­gat­ing medi­um that al­­so hap­pens to be the mix­­ture of gas­es in the at­­mo­­sphere (1 m³ = 1.293 kg) and (U)HPC, or (ul­­tra) high-per­­for­­mance con­crete, a lightweight con­crete com­­posite with a refined aes­­thet­ic. This mar­ri­age of sculp­­ture and func­­tion is the fun­­da­­men­­tal idea be­hind PO­LA.

About the Exhibition

Han­nover Messe
